I know my Simmons ID number: *
Program Information
Ex: Fall 2018 or Spring 2019
Do you attend a traditional, on-campus program or an online program? *
***Do not continue***
Please exit this page without submitting and contact your Student Support Specialist for further assistance. This form is intended only for students enrolled in a traditional, on-campus; an online library science program; or an online nutrition program. Petitions submitted by students in our other online programs cannot be processed using this form.
What subject best describes your field of study and the degree you are pursuing? *
Appeal Scenario
What best describes your current situation? *
Intended Enrollment
Please indicate your anticipated enrollment for the following terms in the current academic year:
Fall *
Note: If you are currently enrolled in or have completed a term listed here, enter the actual number of credits you were/are taking
Spring *
Note: If you are currently enrolled in or have completed a term listed here, enter the actual number of credits you were/are taking
Summer *
Note: If you are currently enrolled in or have completed a term listed here, enter the actual number of credits you were/are taking
Maximum of 200 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
For example:
Fall 2023 - 8 cr
Spring 2024 - 8 cr
Summer 2024 - 4 cr
Fall 2024...
Special Circumstances
Please select one option that best describes why you have not met/will not meet the requirements to maintain eligibility for your scholarship as outlined in your acceptance letter.
I have recently experienced: *
Maximum of 200 words allowed. Currently Entered: 0 words.
If you would like to provide additional information, please attach it here. For example: a letter, doctor note, etc.
Signatures and Certifications
Please read this section carefully.
Please acknowledge by checking each box. *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.