I know my Simmons ID number: *
Program Information 2022-2023
Academic Level *
Student Type *
Program Type *
Dependency Status
According to your FAFSA, are you an independent or dependent student? *
If you were required to report your parents' information on the FAFSA, then you are considered a dependent student.
Please indicate your marital status *
Household Members
List the people in your or (if dependent) your parents'/custodial parent's household. If you need to list more than five people, please provide the additional information via an email to [email protected]. Include:
You, the student.
Your parent(s), OR custodial parent and stepparent, who provide half of your support even if you don't live with them.
Your parents’ other children if your parent will provide more than half of the child's support from July 1, 2022 – June 30, 2023, or if the other children would be required to provide parental information if they were completing a FAFSA for 2022-2023.
Other people if they now live with your parent(s) and your parent(s) provide more than half of the other person's support and will continue to provide more than half of their support through June 30, 2023.
Provide college information for students enrolled at least half-time during 2022-2023 in a program leading to a degree, diploma, or certificate.
+Add *
We see you only included one person in your household. Is this accurate? Dependent students cannot be the only member in the household.
If accurate, please indicate that your list is complete.
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
+Add *
Enrolled in college during 2022-2023? *
Do you have more household members to add?
If you have any additional household members that will not fit on this form, please email their information to [email protected].
Signatures and Certifications
Please read this section carefully.
Please acknowledge by checking each box *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.