I know my Simmons ID number: *
According to your FAFSA, are you an independent or dependent student?
If you were required to report your parents' information on the FAFSA, then you are considered a dependent student.
Household Expenses
Please provide full expense information for the calendar year 2020 for the student, parent(s), spouse, and any other people for whom you or your parent(s) provide more than half of their support (e.g., dependent children).
Please enter the number "0" for any item below that is not applicable.
Rent/Mortgage *
Food/Clothing *
Household (utilities, laundry, cell phone,
etc.) *
Transportation (public transportation,
car: payments, license, insurance, gasoline, maintenance, repairs, parking) *
Insurance (medical, life, etc.) *
Medical / Dental Expenses Not Paid by
Insurance *
Debt Payments (loans, credit cards) *
Educational Costs (paid for Simmons
student) *
Educational Costs (paid for other family
members) *
Other (itemize below) *
Household Resources
Please provide full resource information for the calendar year 2020 and enter the number "0" for any item below that is not applicable.
Be sure to include all resources such as money received or expenses paid on your behalf.
Parent One Wages (dependent
students) OR Student Wages (independent students)
Parent Two Wages (dependent
students) OR Spouse Wages (independent students)
Student's Business income used for
your personal/household expenses *
Parent's Business income used for
your personal/household expenses *
Student's Social Security Income *
Parent's Social Security Income *
Student's Interest / Dividend Income *
Parent's Interest / Dividend Income *
Student's Savings *
Parent's Savings *
Student's Child Support Received (all children) *
Parent's Child Support Received (all children) *
Alimony Received by Student *
Alimony Received by Parent *
Student's Veterans’ Non‐Education Benefits *
Parent's Veterans’ Non‐Education Benefits *
Student's Unemployment Compensation *
Parent's Unemployment Compensation *
Student's Pensions *
Parent's Pensions *
Other Income to Report?
Resources should be equal to or more than expenses. If not, a full explanation must be provided.
Total 2020 Expenses *
Total 2020 Resources *
Enter N/A if your household resources are greater than your household expenses.
Signatures and Certifications
Please read this section carefully.
Please acknowledge by checking each box *
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.
(one parent’s signature is required for financially
dependent undergraduate students)
I understand this is a legal representation of my signature.